Manage consultant fees owed to and owed by third party providers, consortiums and pools.
The provider’s debt and liability can either be handled separately or the liability netted off against the provider payment. If any administration fees apply, this can be setup and automatically deducted from the amount payable to the provider. Invoices can be raised to consultants for services such as room hire, as well as consumables.
All the necessary calculations are carried out for you, with the provider amount or percentage being automatically posted to the relevant account, saving time and improving accuracy. Payment batches can be produced automatically, with the option of paying now or waiting until the patient has paid their invoice.
Effectively manage consortiums and pools, with the payment being shared between each member on a fixed percentage basis, or see at-a-glance the outstanding balance owed to a consultant. Transactions are colour-coded – with the option to display all transactions or only those which are outstanding – and specific transactions can be located using an easy to use search facility.
Arrange a demonstration and see for yourself how the right Hospital Information System is beneficial to your success.