Compucare Cloud and Datacentre Hosting

Take away the hassle, down-time and security risk of hosting on in-house servers, and discover Compucare on Azure.

Compucare Theater Tracking Software


A safer place for all your content

Streets Heaver are committed to delivering secure, centralised, cloud services to our customers, having achieved Microsoft Gold Competency in Hosting and a Silver Competency in Datacentre.

The infrastructure has been designed in such a way that it reduces having any single point of failure, and covered by Streets Heaver’s ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management and the NHS DSPT.

No upgrading required

Compucare cloud performs effortlessly over a standard internet connection. And when new software updates are released, Streets Heaver’s Datacentre will automatically upgrade on your behalf, keeping you at the forefront of the latest technology – this also has the added benefit of ensuring you receive the latest versions of both Windows and SQL Servers.

Compucare Cloud


  • HSCN Connectivity
  • No single point of failure
  • Future proof with the latest technology
  • 99.999% independently verified uptime
  • Dedicated qualified engineers
  • Microsoft Gold and Silver certified
  • NHS IG Toolkit/IG SoC approved


Smarter scheduling, easier compliance and faster billing.
Are you ready for Compucare?

View the entire Compucare product suite to see how the right Hospital Information System can be beneficial to your success.